Art Arfons Raced At Detroit Dragway
Art Arfons was another of Detroit Dragway’s famous drag racers starting in 1959. We are proud to say that Art Arfons raced at Detroit Dragway, and so we are glad he did. This is just a short blurb to acknowledge Art Arfons.
Art Arfons was one of the most successful racers & drag racers in the 1960s. He competed at Detroit Dragway, and often won races. In this article, we will take a closer look at Art’s career as a drag racer. We will also discuss his racing achievements and what made him such a successful competitor.
My first time to go to Detroit Dragway was in 1960 when my cousin took me, because he wanted me to see The Green Monster Jet Car.
Art Arfons The Early Days 
Art was born in Ohio in 1926, and passed away in 2007.
Around 1952 Art along with his brother Walt started racing. In Oct. 1971 while racing at a dragstrip in Texas Art lost control of of the jet car and it resulted in the deaths of three people.
Racing at Detroit Dragway
Art came to Detroit Dragway in 1959 for the NHRA’s Nationals. Art won the trophy for top speed . Art also raced at Detroit Dragway many more time throughout the years.
Today Art’s young family members race a new version of The Green Monster. The photos of it below I took in Ohio a few years ago.

There are so many site that have stories and stats on Art, just do a search.
The current Green Monster Click to see a larger image.